Econometric Theory——作者:王钛宁
时间: 2021-06-09 03:49:00
论文标题:A Nonparametric Test of Significant Variables in Gradients
发表时间:2020.11 online
论文所有作者:Feng Yao, Taining Wang
期刊名及所属分类:Econometric Theory(国际A-)
英文摘要:We propose a nonparametric test of significant variables in the partial derivative of a regression mean function. The derivative is estimated by local polynomial estimation and the test statistic is constructed through a variation-based measure of the derivative in the direction of variables of interest. We establish the asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic and demonstrate that it is consistent. Motivated by the null distribution, we propose a wild bootstrap test, and show that it exhibits the same null distribution, whether the null is valid or not. We perform a Monte Carlo study to demonstrate its encouraging finite sample performance. An empirical application is conducted showing how the test can be applied to infer certain aspects of regression structures in a hedonic price model.