Journal of Business & Economic Statistics——作者:孙宇澄 许文

  论文标题:A Factor-Based Estimation of Integrated Covariance Matrix with Noisy

  发表时间:2020.12 Accepted

  论文所有作者:Yucheng Sun and Wen Xu

  期刊名及所属分类:Journal of Business & Economic Statistics(国际A)

  英文摘要:This article studies a high-dimensional factor model with sparse idiosyncratic covariance matrix in continuous time, using asynchronous high-frequency financial data contaminated by microstructure noise. We focus on consistent estimations of the number of common factors, the integrated covariance matrix and its inverse, based on the flat-top realized kernels introduced by Varneskov. Simulation results illustrate the satisfactory performance of our estimators in finite samples. We apply our methodology to the high-frequency price data on a large number of stocks traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, and demonstrate its value for capturing time-varying covariations and portfolio allocation.
