王峥 Zheng Wang

Zheng Wang

International School of Economics and Management

Capital University of Economics and Business

Beijing, China, 100070


Personal Details

-Degree: Ph.D. in Economics

-Research Interest: Industrial Organization, Spatial Economics


Educational Background

-Ph.D., Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, May 2014

-M.A., Economics, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2009

-B.A., International Trade and Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China, 2007

Working Experience

Associate Professor, Capital University of Economics and Business, 2018 – present

Assistant Professor, Capital University of Economics and Business, 2014 - 2017


Heywood, John S., Wang Zheng. 2020. Profitable collusion on costs: a spatial model. Journal of Economics, Forthcoming.

Heywood, John S., Wang Zheng. 2020. Delivered pricing and endogenous delegation of contract type. Aust Econ Pap. 1–18.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng., Ye, Guangliang. 2020. Optimal mixed ownership: a contract view. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 28, 45 – 68.

Christian, Trudeau., Wang, Zheng. 2019. Should the Most Efficient Firm Invest in Its Capacity? A Value Capture Approach. Economics Letters, 180, 25 – 27.

Andree, Kai., Heywood, John S., Schwan, Mike., Wang, Zheng. 2018. A Spatial Model of Cartel Stability: The Influence of Production Cost Convexity, Bulletin of Economic Research, 70, 3.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng, 2016. Strategic Delegation under Spatial Price Discrimination, Papers in Regional Science, 75, 193 - 214.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng, 2016. Consistent Location Conjectures under Spatial Price Discrimination. Journal of Economics 117, 167 - 180.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng, 2015. How to License a Transport Innovation, Annals of Regional Science, 55, 485 - 500.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng. 2017. R&D Investment under Spatial Price Discrimination, Managerial and Decision Economics, 38, 1094 – 1104.

Delegation and Vertical Externalities. 2015. Economics Bulletin, 35, 115.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng. 2014. Spatial Price Discrimination and Mergers with Convex Production Costs. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 7, 1-8.

Research Grants

-国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目名称:质量信息不完备条件下的市场行为决策与均衡理论研究,项目批准号:71803137,主持,2019/01 – 2021/12.









Ph.D., Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2014

M.A., Economics, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2009

B.A., International Trade and Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China, 2007


非常任副教授,首都经济贸易大学,2018 – 至今

助理教授,首都经济贸易大学,2014 – 2018


Heywood, John S., Wang Zheng. 2020. Profitable collusion on costs: a spatial model. Journal of Economics, Forthcoming.

Heywood, John S., Wang Zheng. 2020. Delivered pricing and endogenous delegation of contract type. Australian Economic Papers, 1–18.

Wang, Zheng., Heywood, John S., Ye, Guangliang. 2020. Optimal mixed ownership: a contract view. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 28, 45 – 68.

Christian, Trudeau., Wang, Zheng. 2019. Should the Most Efficient Firm Invest in Its Capacity? A Value Capture Approach. Economics Letters, 180, 25 – 27.

Andree, Kai., Heywood, John S., Schwan, Mike., Wang, Zheng. 2018. A Spatial Model of Cartel Stability: The Influence of Production Cost Convexity, Bulletin of Economic Research, 70, 3.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng, 2016. Consistent Location Conjectures under Spatial Price Discrimination. Journal of Economics 117, 167 - 180.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng, 2015. How to License a Transport Innovation, Annals of Regional Science, 55, 485 - 500.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng. 2017. R&D Investment under Spatial Price Discrimination, Managerial and Decision Economics, 38, 1094 – 1104.

Delegation and Vertical Externalities. 2015. Economics Bulletin, 35, 115.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng. 2014. Spatial Price Discrimination and Mergers with Convex Production Costs. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 7, 1-8.

Heywood, John S., Wang, Zheng, 2016. Strategic Delegation under Spatial Price Discrimination, Papers in Regional Science, 75, 193 - 214.


国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目名称:质量信息不完备条件下的市场行为决策与均衡理论研究,项目批准号:71803137,主持,2019/01 – 2021/12.


评为2018年度爱岗敬业普通劳动者, 2017-2018学年全校优秀课堂教学一等奖