李婕 Jie Li
时间: 2020-12-07 02:08:00 来源: 新加坡 新加坡国立大学 National University of Singapore
博士, 经济学, 新加坡国立大学, 2018
学士,经济学, 浙江大学, 2013
国际贸易, 发展经济学,应用计量经济, 劳动经济学
8. Bao Yangming, and Jie Li, “Cross-border M&A, gender-equal culture, and board gender diversity.” Journal of Corporate Finance, 2024, 84: 102527.
7. Li, Jie, Angdi Lu, and Shuang Wu. "Imports of key capital goods and quality upgrading: Evidence from China's import subsidy policy." China Economic Review (2023): 101988.
6. Lu, Angdi, Jiang Zhang, and Jie Li. "The impact of export VAT rebate reduction on firms' pollution emissions: Evidence from Chinese enterprises." Energy Economics 120 (2023): 106630.
5. Lou, Jing, and Jie Li. "Export expansion and intergenerational education mobility: Evidence from China." China Economic Review 73 (2022): 101797.
4. Li, Jie. "Economic policy uncertainty, contracting frictions and imports sourcing decisions." Economics Letters 200 (2021): 109772.
3. Li, Jie. "Women hold up half the sky? Trade specialization patterns and work-related gender norms." Journal of International Economics 128 (2021): 103407.
2. Li, Jie., Lu, Yi., Song, Hong., & Xie, Huihua. (2019). Long-term impact of trade liberalization on human capital formation. Journal of Comparative Economics, 47(4), 946-961.
1.Wang, Yao, and Jie Li. "ICT’s effect on trade: Perspective of comparative advantage." Economics Letters 155 (2017): 96-99.
1.卢昂荻, 丁思琪, 张可云, & 李婕. (2023). 间接进口竞争, 本地生产网络与企业创新. 经济学家, 1(12), 45-56. (通讯作者)
1. “机器换人”更是“机器赋能”:基于进口贴息政策的准自然实验,与吴双合作
2. 供应链汇率风险,预防性储蓄动机与企业避税,与曹倩,王宏伟合作
3. “Environmental Regulation, Local Production Networks and Pollution Outsourcing”,with Lu angdi
4. The pro-competitive effects of indirect export exposures: Evidence from China, with Lu angdi
5. “Growing Beyond Trade: Export Shocks and the Spatial Expansions of Bank Branching”,with Lu angdi
1. 主持人,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目《贸易自由化与性别平等:基于性别技能要素密集度的研究》,批准号:72203150,执行年度:2023.01-2025.12
2. 主持人,首都经济贸易大学科研启动基金项目《贸易分工与性别平等的研究》,批准号:XRZ2020027,执行年度:2020.01 – 2021.12
1. 北京市高层次留学人才,2023
2. 首都经济贸易大学先进就业个人,2023
2019: Conference on Industrial Organization and Growth (ANU)
2018:International Economics Brown Bag (NUS); International Symposium on Labor Economics (XMU); Xiangzhang Economic forum (BNU)
2017:Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) Inaugural Conference (ANU)
国际经济学,首都经济贸易大学,教课, 2020,2021,2022,2023
微观经济学, 新加坡国立大学, 助教, 冬季学期 2017
经济学原理, 新加坡国立大学, 助教, 冬季学期 2015
国际经济学,新加坡国立大学, 助教, 春季学期 2015
劳动经济学, 新加坡国立大学, 助教, 春季学期 2015
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, China & World Economy, Review of International Economics, Journal of Asian Economics, Singapore Economic Review, World Development,Economics Letters, Pacific Economic Review