黄雨婷 Yuting Huang
时间: 2020-12-07 02:02:00 来源: 新加坡 新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore
邮箱: huangyuting0@gmail.com; huangyuting@cueb.edu.com
工作论文(Working Papers)
[1] Boosted credit ratings in China: The effects of credit enhancement on bond pricing (with Haoyu Gao, Jingyuan Mo)
[2] The unequal opportunities in mortgage underwriting: Evidence from a social finance program in China (with Agarwal Sumit, Ambrose Brent, Weida Kuang)
[3] Relationship strength and rating quality: Evidence from the Chinese credit bond market (with Haoyu Gao, Yi Yao)
[4] Beyond the numbers: The hidden signals in text complexity and the manifestation of bank risk (with Zhongbo Jing, Yuan Wang, Lu Wei)
[5] Reputation incentives and bond rating quality: Evidence from credit default events (with Haoyu Gao,, Yi Yao, Ruochen Wang)
[1] Is housing the business cycle? A multiresolution analysis for OECD countries. Journal of Housing Economics, 2020, 101692. (with Qiang Li, Kim Hiang Liow, and Xiaoxia Zhou)
[2] Relationship between the United States housing and stock markets: Some evidence from wavelet analysis. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2019, 50, 101033. (with Kim Hiang Liow and JeonSeop Song)
[3] Comovement of greater China real estate markets: Some time scale evidence. Journal of Real Estate Research, 2019, 41(3), 473-512. (with Kim Hiang Liow, Xiaoxia Zhou and Qiang Li)
[4] The dynamics of volatility connectedness in international real estate investment trusts, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2018, 55: 195-210. (with Kim Hiang Liow)
[5] Dynamics of international spillovers and interaction: Evidence from financial market stress and Economic Policy Uncertainty, Economic Modelling, 2018, 68: 96-116. (with Kim Hiang Liow and Wen-Chi Liao)
[6] Three south-east Asian REITs: Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, 2018, The Routledge REITs Research Handbook, Routledge. (with Kim Hiang Liow)
[7] 基于跳跃滤波和时变参数估计的中国股市微观结构研究,系统工程理论与实践,2017年第7期,1393-1419。 (合作者:刘志东, 刘雯宇)
[8] 量化宽松对经济复苏到底有多大的作用? ,管理评论,2015年第7期,23-32。(合作者:苏治, 范为, 俞乔)
基金项目(Research Grants)
[1] 项目负责人, 国家自然科学基金青年项目(NSFC), 01/2022-12/2024, 我国信用债市场增信工具的使用及其经济后果
[2] 项目负责人, 首都经济贸易大学新入职青年教师科研启动基金项目(CUEB Start-up), 03/2020-12/2021. 公司政治关联和分析师行为偏差
[3] 主要项目参与人, 09/2018-12/2018. Welfare spending and budget sustainability, Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI), Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore
[4] 主要项目参与人, 06/2015-06/2018. Two empirical applications of wavelet approach in economy/ asset market co-movement research, Humanities & Social Sciences Fund, Singapore
2024: AEA/AREUEA (计划)
2023: 中国金融国际年会CICF, 亚洲计量学年会AMES, 亚洲房地产学年会AsRES, 第二届中国南昌国际金融会议, 第三届银行与金融中介论坛,第十一届投资学年会
2022: International AREUEA, 首经贸-中国人民大学工作坊, OCES, 第二届届银行与金融中介论坛*
2021: 中国金融学者论坛*, 中国计量学年会, 第四届中国金融学术与政策论坛CIFFP
2020: 第十八届金融系统工程与风险管理年会, 第一届信用评分与信用评级会议, 第二届香樟金融会议, 暨南大学经济与社会研究院
2019: 金融科技与金融发展年会, 中国金融国际年会CICF*, 亚洲房地产学会年会AsRES, AEA/AREUEA
2018: The World Bank Group-Asia Competitiveness Institute Annual Conference, 第十六届金融系统工程与风险管理年会, 世界华人不动产学年会, 亚洲房地产学年会
2017: 世界华人不动产学年会&亚洲房地产学年会, AEA/AREUEA(poster)
2023年 第十一届投资学年会一等奖,北京市优秀本科生毕业论文指导教师
2020年 第八届中国投资学年会教师组论文一等奖,第二届香樟金融优秀论文奖,世界华人不动产学年会&亚洲房地产学会年会最佳优秀论文三等奖
2014-2018年 NUS Research Scholarship
2014年 中央财经大学优秀硕士毕业论文,优秀硕士毕业生
2012 北京市优秀毕业生
期刊审稿(Referee Service)
Real Estate Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of Real Estate Research, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Journal of Financial Stability