高静 Jing Gao
时间: 2024-12-23 02:09:00 来源: 美国奥本大学Auburn University
美国奥本大学Auburn University,应用经济学博士
三、发表论文 Publications
(14)Does Climate Policy Uncertainty Influence Corporate Cash Holdings? Evidence from the U.S. Tourism and Hospitality Sector. Tourism Economics. Forthcoming (SSCI, JCR Q1,通讯作者) |
(13)Climate Change Social Norms and Corporate Cash Holdings. Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming (SSCI,JCR Q1,通讯作者) |
(12)Climate Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Investment: Evidence from the US Tourism and Hospitality Sector, Journal of Travel Research, Forthcoming (SSCI,JCR Q1, ABS4* 第一作者) |
(11)Exploring the dynamic linkages between tourism growth and environmental pollution: New evidence from the Mediterranean countries. Current Issues in Tourism,2021, 24(1), 49-65. (SSCI,JCR Q1,第一作者) |
(10)Does Biomass Energy Consumption mitigate CO2 emissions? The Role of Economic Growth and Urbanization: Evidence from Developing Asia. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,2021, 26(1), 96-115. (SSCI,第一作者) |
(9)Tourism, Economic growth, and Tourism-induced EKC hypothesis: Evidence from the Mediterranean region. Empirical Economics, 2021.60,1507–1529 (SSCI,JCR Q2,第一作者) |
(8)The Effect of Emission Trading Policy on Carbon Emission Reduction: Evidence from an Integrated Study of Pilot Regions in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 265, 121843.(SSCI,JCR Q1) |
(7)China's Water Risk Assessment and Decomposition of Industrial Pollution Sources- Based on the WWF water risk assessment tool. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,2019, 78, 106285. (SSCI,JCR Q1,通讯作者) |
(6)The Economic Contribution of Alabama’s Automotive Industry to its Regional Economy: Evidence from a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. Economic Development Quarterly. 2016.30 (4). (Lead Article, SSCI,JCR Q3,通讯作者) |
(5)Modeling Multivariate Volatilities via Latent Common Factors. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2016.34:4, 564-573. (SSCI,JCR Q1,通讯作者) |
(4)Exploring the Effects of International Tourism on China’s Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Environmental Pollution: Evidence from a Regional Panel Analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016.53 225- 234. (ESI高被引论文, SCI, JCR Q1) |
(3)Analysis of Impact Factors of Air Pollution in China: A MIMIC Modeling Approach. Frontiers of Economics in China. 2015.10(2) 261-289(第一作者) |
(2)Electricity Consumption-Economic Growth-CO2 Emissions Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Panel Co-Integration. African Development Review, 2014.Vol. 26, No. 2, 359–371. (SSCI,JCR Q3,第一作者) |
(1)Substitution in the Electric Power Industry: An Interregional Comparison in the Eastern US. Energy Economics, Vol. 2013(40), 316-325. (SSCI,JCR Q1,第一作者兼通讯作者) |
四、科研课题项目 Grants
(1) 主持国家自科青年项目,“要素替代视角下电力行业节能减排机制与路径研究”,项目号71803139,2019.1-2021.12。(NSFC PI)
(2) 子课题负责人:北京市属高等学校创新团队建设与教师职业发展计划项目“城市化进程中的首都人口、环境与发展研究”,2013.5-2016.4。
(3) 参与国家社科重大项目,“基于自然资源资产负债表系统的环境责任审计研究”,2015-2019。
(4) 参与国家自科青年项目“绿色金融视角下消费信贷的碳排放溢出效应与减排策略研究”, 2017-2019。
(5) 参与国家自科面上项目“大数据舆情驱动下的能源经济系统建模与政策研究”,2024-2027。
五、学术兼职 Referee
Nature Communications; Energy Economics; The Energy Journal; Energy Policy; Current Issues in Tourism; Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review; Cities; China Economic Review; China Agricultural Economic Review; Journal of Cleaner Production; African Development Review; Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy; Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy; Environmental Challenges; Finance Research Letters; 会计研究; 中国科学技术大学学报等。
Ø 北京市第十三届青年教师教学基本功大赛优秀指导教师奖(北京市一等奖); Ø 第九届“挑战杯”首都大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛北京市优秀指导教师(《关于北京市“碳中和”旅游发展现状和前景的调研与思考》,北京市一等奖); |
Ø 国家留学基金委奖学金; Ø Auburn University Talent Show第一名; Ø 山东省高校优秀毕业生。
首都经济贸易大学校级荣誉: Ø “后备学科带头人”; Ø “师德先锋”荣誉称号; Ø “2014-2016年优秀党务工作者”; Ø 优秀研究生导师; Ø “五一爱岗敬业普通劳动者”; Ø 优秀工会积极分子(2017、2019、2022年度)。
Jing Gao Personal Details Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Dean Research Interest: Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Empirical Corporate Finance Email: gao.jing@cueb.edu.cn
Education Ph.D., Applied Economics, Auburn University M.A., Accounting, Ocean University of China B.A., Accounting, Ocean University of China
Working Experience -Assistant Professor, 2012-2016, Capital University of Economics and Business -Associate Professor, 2016-present, Capital University of Economics and Business |