高静 Jing Gao






美国奥本大学Auburn University,应用经济学博士







三、发表论文 Publications

(14)Does Climate Policy Uncertainty Influence Corporate Cash Holdings? Evidence from the U.S. Tourism and Hospitality Sector. Tourism Economics. Forthcoming (SSCI, JCR Q1,通讯作者)

(13)Climate Change Social Norms and Corporate Cash Holdings. Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming SSCI,JCR Q1,通讯作者)

(12)Climate Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Investment: Evidence from the US Tourism and Hospitality Sector, Journal of Travel Research, Forthcoming (SSCI,JCR Q1, ABS4* 第一作者)

(11)Exploring the dynamic linkages between tourism growth and environmental pollution: New evidence from the Mediterranean countries. Current Issues in Tourism,2021, 24(1), 49-65. SSCI,JCR Q1,第一作者)

(10)Does Biomass Energy Consumption mitigate CO2 emissions? The Role of Economic Growth and Urbanization: Evidence from Developing Asia. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy2021, 26(1), 96-115. (SSCI,第一作者)

(9)Tourism, Economic growth, and Tourism-induced EKC hypothesis: Evidence from the Mediterranean region. Empirical Economics, 2021.60,1507–1529 (SSCI,JCR Q2,第一作者)

(8)The Effect of Emission Trading Policy on Carbon Emission Reduction: Evidence from an Integrated Study of Pilot Regions in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 265, 121843.SSCI,JCR Q1)

(7)China's Water Risk Assessment and Decomposition of Industrial Pollution Sources- Based on the WWF water risk assessment tool. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,2019, 78, 106285. SSCI,JCR Q1,通讯作者)

(6)The Economic Contribution of Alabamas Automotive Industry to its Regional Economy: Evidence from a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. Economic Development Quarterly. 2016.30 (4). (Lead Article, SSCI,JCR Q3通讯作者)

(5)Modeling Multivariate Volatilities via Latent Common Factors. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2016.34:4, 564-573. (SSCI,JCR Q1,通讯作者)

(4)Exploring the Effects of International Tourism on Chinas Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Environmental Pollution: Evidence from a Regional Panel Analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016.53 225- 234. (ESI高被引论文, SCI, JCR Q1)

(3)Analysis of Impact Factors of Air Pollution in China: A MIMIC Modeling Approach. Frontiers of Economics in China. 2015.10(2) 261-289(第一作者)

(2)Electricity Consumption-Economic Growth-CO2 Emissions Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Panel Co-Integration. African Development Review, 2014.Vol. 26, No. 2, 359–371. (SSCI,JCR Q3,第一作者)

(1)Substitution in the Electric Power Industry: An Interregional Comparison in the Eastern US. Energy Economics, Vol. 2013(40), 316-325. (SSCI,JCR Q1,第一作者兼通讯作者)

四、科研课题项目 Grants

(1) 主持国家自科青年项目“要素替代视角下电力行业节能减排机制与路径研究”,项目号718031392019.1-2021.12NSFC PI

(2) 子课题负责人北京市属高等学校创新团队建设与教师职业发展计划项目城市化进程中的首都人口、环境与发展研究2013.5-2016.4。

(3) 参与国家社科重大项目“基于自然资源资产负债表系统的环境责任审计研究”,2015-2019

(4) 参与国家自科青年项目“绿色金融视角下消费信贷的碳排放溢出效应与减排策略研究 2017-2019。

(5) 参与国家自科面上项目“大数据舆情驱动下的能源经济系统建模与政策研究”,2024-2027

五、学术兼职 Referee




Nature Communications; Energy Economics; The Energy Journal; Energy Policy; Current Issues in Tourism; Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review; Cities; China Economic Review; China Agricultural Economic Review; Journal of Cleaner Production; African Development Review; Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy; Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy; Environmental Challenges; Finance Research Letters; 会计研究; 中国科学技术大学学报等。


Ø 北京市第十三届青年教师教学基本功大赛优秀指导教师奖(北京市一等奖);

Ø 第九届“挑战杯”首都大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛北京市优秀指导教师(《关于北京市“碳中和旅游发展现状和前景的调研与思考》,北京市一等奖);

Ø 国家留学基金委奖学金;

Ø Auburn University Talent Show第一名;

Ø 山东省高校优秀毕业生。


Ø “后备学科带头人”;

Ø “师德先锋”荣誉称号;

Ø “2014-2016年优秀党务工作者”;

Ø 优秀研究生导师;

Ø “五一爱岗敬业普通劳动者”;

Ø 优秀工会积极分子(201720192022年度)。

Jing Gao

Personal Details

  Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Dean

  Research Interest: Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Empirical Corporate Finance

  Email: gao.jing@cueb.edu.cn


  Ph.D., Applied Economics, Auburn University

  M.A., Accounting, Ocean University of China

  B.A., Accounting, Ocean University of China


Working Experience

 -Assistant Professor, 2012-2016, Capital University of Economics and Business

 -Associate Professor, 2016-present, Capital University of Economics and Business