王洋 Yang Wang














-Mutual fund family management and calendar effect: Evidence from Chinese mutual fund market

-Banking deregulation and minority entrepreneurship (与Elizabeth Berger 和 John Edwards合作)

-Disclosure Frequency and Mutual Fund Window Dressing

-Does the managerial skill exist? Measuring and decomposing managerial skill in the mutual fund industry

-Do Chinese investors get what they don’t pay for? Expense ratios, loads, and the returns to China’s open-end mutual funds(与Edward Tower合作)





2015-2020 杜兰大学文学院奖学金

2011-2013 西敏大学2+2项目奖学金

2011.11 国家奖学金

2010.10 南开大学校级一等奖学金

Personal Details

-Degree: Ph.D. in Economics

-Research Interests: Empirical asset pricing, mutual fund, entrepreneurship

Educational Background

-Ph.D., Economics, Tulane University, US, 2020

-MSc., Statistical and Economic Modeling, Duke University, US, 2015

-B.A., Economics, Westminster College, US, 2013

-B.A., Finance, Nankai University, China, 2013

Working Experience

-Assistant Professor, International School of Economics and Management, Capital University of Economics and Business, China, 2020.9-Present

-Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics &Business School, Tulane University, US, 2016.9-2020.5

Working Papers

-Mutual fund family management and calendar effect: Evidence from Chinese mutual fund market

-Banking Deregulation and Minority Entrepreneurship (with Elizabeth Berger and John Edwards)

-Disclosure Frequency and Mutual Fund Window Dressing

-Does the managerial skill exist? Measuring and decomposing managerial skill in the mutual fund industry

-Do Chinese investors get what they don’t pay for? Expense ratios, loads, and the returns to China’s open-end mutual funds (with Edward Tower)

Teaching Experience

-Financial Statement Analysis

-Financial Economics

Grants, Honors and Awards

2015-2020 Tulane University School of Liberal Arts Fellowship

2011-2013 2+2 Program Scholarship, Westminster College

2011.10 National Scholarship, China

2010.10 Annual First Prize Scholarship for Academic Excellence