乔睿 Rui Qiao


  - 学位:金融学博士学位

  - 毕业院校:惠灵顿维多利亚大学(新西兰)

  - 研究兴趣:市场微观结构,资产定价,行为金融学

  - 联系方式:rqiao@cueb.edu.cn

  - 硕士生导师


  - Lin H , Lo I , Qiao R .Macroeconomic news announcements and market efficiency: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury market[J]. Journal of Banking & Finance , 2021, 133.



  - Workup and market quality: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury market

  - Belief heterogeneity, uncertainty, and order submission strategies in the foreign exchange market and the U.S. Treasury market

  - Algorithmic trading and market liquidity: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury market

  - Estimating news contents based on economist forecasts: An iterated combination approach



  - 2022年9月至今:副教授,首都经济贸易大学国际经济管理学院

  - 2020年10月至2022年8月:助理教授,首都经济贸易大学国际经济管理学院

  - 2018年7月至2019年12月:讲师(合同制),惠灵顿维多利亚大学经济与金融学院



  - ISEM:《投资学》(2021年)、《金融衍生品分析》(2021年至今)

  - VUW:《投资学精要》(2018年 & 2019年)


  Personal Details:

  - Degree: Ph.D. in Finance

  - Education: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

  - Research Interests: Market Microstructure, Empirical Asset Pricing, Behavioral Finance

  - Email: rqiao@cueb.edu.cn

  - Postgraduate supervisor



  - Lin H , Lo I , Qiao R .Macroeconomic news announcements and market efficiency: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury market[J]. Journal of Banking & Finance , 2021, 133.


  Working Papers

  - Workup and market quality: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury market

  - Belief heterogeneity, uncertainty, and order submission strategies in the foreign exchange market and the U.S. Treasury market

  - Algorithmic trading and market liquidity: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury market

  - Estimating news contents based on economist forecasts: An iterated combination approach


  Work Experience

  - Associate Professor, International School of Economic Management, Capital University of Economics and Business, from September 2022 to now

  - Assistant Professor, International School of Economic Management, Capital University of Economics and Business, from October 2020 to August 2022

  - Teaching Fellow, Victoria University of Wellington, from 2018 to 2019


  Courses Taught:

  - ISEM: Investments (Spring 2021), Derivatives Analysis (Spring 2021, 2022, 2023)

  - VUW: Introduction to Investments (2018 & 2019)