学术报告会——何秋谷 (Qiugu He)

Speaker: Dr. 何秋谷 (Qiugu He)

Title: Estimating the Production Function of Multi-product Firms by Customs Data

Schedule: Nov 19, Tu 13:00-15:00 PM

Location: 诚明楼 (Chengming Hall), Rm 315

Introduction: 何秋谷,2021年毕业于新加坡管理大学经济学院,并同年加入南开大学经济学院国经系担任助理教授。秋谷曾分别在中南大学和北京大学获得软件工程的学士和硕士学位。何秋谷博士的研究兴趣集中在经济学模型的开发和分析,目前的工作论文集中在经济增长、产业组织和国际贸易领域。

Abstract: Product-level sale is crucial for estimating product productivity when input allocation is not observed. However, sales data are often incomplete. For example,  the combination of manufacturing surveys and customs dataset always provides detailed data on firm--level inputs and outputs, and the transaction of only exported products. To address this issue, we extend Valmari (2023) and Orr (2022) and to estimate product functions of multi--product firms with flexible-elasticity demand curves. Assuming a same CRS production function across products, we obtain the firm markup by the production approach developed by De Loecker (2012). These markups and observed sales are used to estimate the input allocation share for the corresponding product.