学术报告会——汤睿(Rui Tang)

Speaker: Dr. 汤睿 (Rui Tang)

Title: Associative Network in Decision Making

Schedule:  May 29, Wed 10:30-12:00 AM

Location: 诚明楼(Chengming Hall) RM 310

Introduction: 汤睿,香港科技大学经济系助理教授, 2021年在普林斯顿大学取得经济学博士学位,主要研究兴趣包括微观经济学理论,决策论,行为经济学以及健康经济学。他的论文发表于The Review of Economic Studies,Journal of Economic Theory 以及 Games and Economic Behavior 等经济学期刊。

Abstract: We model associative networks that capture how a decision maker enlarges her consideration set through the mental association between alternatives, and demonstrate how this model serves as a toolbox to understand the impact of mental association on decision making. As a proof of concept, we characterize this model within a random attention framework and demonstrate that all the relevant parameters are uniquely identifiable. Notably, in a novel choice domain where not all observable alternatives are feasible, the presence of infeasible yet observable alternatives can influence the choice frequencies of alternatives through mental association.