刘知微 Zhiwei Liu
时间: 2020-12-07 04:26:00 来源: 美国 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
诚明楼405室 首都经济贸易大学国际经济管理学院
1. 个人信息
研究兴趣:整体均衡理论,机制设计, 博弈论
2. 教育背景
3. 工作经历
4. 论文发表
(1) Zhiwei Liu, “A note on the welfare of the maximin rational expectations”, Economic Theory Bulletin, 2014, 2, pp. 213-218.
(2) Zhiwei Liu, “Implementation of maximin rational expectations equilibrium”, Economic Theory, 2016, 62, 4, pp. 813-837.
(3)Luciano I. de Castro, Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Ambiguous implementation: the partition model”, Economic Theory, 2017, 63, 1, pp. 233-261.
(4) Luciano I. de Castro, Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Implementation under Ambiguity ”, Games and Economic Behavior, 2017,101, pp. 20-33.
(5) Zhiwei Liu, Xinxi Song and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Randomization under ambiguity: Efficiency and incentive compatibility”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020, 90, 1-11.
(6) Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Persuasion in an asymmetric information economy: a justification of Wald’s maxmin preferences”, Economic Theory, 72, 801–833 (2021).
(7) Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Mixed strategy implementation under ambiguity”, Economic Theory Bulletin, 10, 167-181 (2022).
(8) Rabah Amir, Zhiwei Liu and Jingwen Tian, “Negative network effects and public policy in vaccine markets”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 216, 136-149 (2023).
5. 科研项目
6. 教学经历
7. 学术报告
(3)中央财经大学, 2018年12月。
(5)中央财经大学, 2018年1月。
(7)西南财经大学, 2017年11月。
(8)对外经贸大学,2016年 11月。
(9)The University of Iowa,美国,2017年3月 。
(10)The University of Kansas,美国,2016年 4月。
(11)The University of Iowa,美国,2016年 4月。
(12)The University of Adelaide,澳大利亚,2012年 7月。
8. 学术会议报告
(2)The 20th SAET Conference,2021年6月,视频会议。
(3)2018 EWGET (European Workshop in General Equilibrium Theory), 2018年6月,University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Pairs, France。
(4)The 9th Shanghai Microeconomics Workshop,2018年6月,上海财经大学,上海。
(5)The 18th SAET Conference,2018年6月,中央研究院,台北。
(6)2018 博弈论国际会议暨第五届微观经济学研讨会,2018年10月,南京审计大学,南京。
(8)The 17th SAET Conference,2017年6月,Faro, Portugal。
(9)The 15th SAET Conference,2015年7月,University of Cambridge,Cambridge,UK。
(10)The 14th SAET Conference,2014年8月,Tokyo,Japan。
(11)The European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory,2014年6月,University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,Paris,France。
(12)The 13th SAET Conference,2013年7月,MINES ParisTech,Paris,France。
(13)Australasian PhD Workshop in Economics,2013年5月,Queensland University,Brisbane,Australia。
(14)The 12th SAET Conference,2012年7月,Queensland University,Brisbane,Australia。
(15)Shandong University Industry Organization Workshop,2012年6月,山东大学,济南。
(16)RCGEB Workshop: Markets and Games,2011年10月,山东大学,济南。
1. Personal Details
Degree: Ph.D. in Economics
Research Interest: General Equilibrium Theory, Implementation Theory, Game Theory.
2. Education Background
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2014.
Master in Economics, The University of Adelaide, Australia, 2008.
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Economics (First Class), The University of Adelaide, Australia, 2006.
Bachelor of Finance, The University of Adelaide, Australia, 2005.
3. Working Experience
2017/01-present, Associate Professor, International School of Economics and Management, Capital University of Economics and Business.
2014/09-2017/01, Assistant Professor, International School of Economics and Management, Capital University of Economics and Business.
4. Research
(1) Zhiwei Liu, “A note on the welfare of the maximin rational expectations”, Economic Theory Bulletin, 2014, 2, pp. 213-218.
(2) Zhiwei Liu, “Implementation of maximin rational expectations equilibrium”, Economic Theory, 2016, 62, 4, pp. 813-837.
(3) Luciano I. de Castro, Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Ambiguous implementation: the partition model”, Economic Theory, 2017, 63, 1, pp. 233-261.
(4) Luciano I. de Castro, Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Implementation under Ambiguity ”, Games and Economic Behavior, 2017,101, pp. 20-33.
(5) Zhiwei Liu, Xinxi Song and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Randomization under ambiguity: Efficiency and incentive compatibility”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020, 90, 1-11.
(6) Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Persuasion in an asymmetric information economy: a justification of Wald’s maxmin preferences”, Economic Theory, 72, 801–833 (2021).
(7) Zhiwei Liu and Nicholas C. Yannelis, “Mixed strategy implementation under ambiguity”, Economic Theory Bulletin, 10, 167-181 (2022).
(8) Rabah Amir, Zhiwei Liu and Jingwen Tian, “Negative network effects and public policy in vaccine markets”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 216, 136-149 (2023).
5. Research Grants
(1) Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2020: 主持《缓解城市高峰时段交通拥挤的社会与个人双赢博弈机制设计研究》,优秀,National Natural Science Foundation of China: 71703110.
(2) Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2019: 参与《因子增广回归模型:理论、方法与应用》,特优,National Natural Science Foundation of China: 71571122.
6. Teaching Experience
International School of Economics and Management, Capital University of Economics and Business, Course Instructor.
Advanced Microeconomics Theory: Fall 2014-2023.
Game Theory: Fall 2014.
7. Seminar Presentations
(1) Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, May 2022.
(2) Peking University, Beijing, China, Nov. 2020.
(3) Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, Dec. 2018.
(4) Beihang University, Beijing, China, May 2018.
(5) Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, Jan. 2018.
(6) Liaoning University, Shenyang, China, Jan. 2018.
(7) The Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China, Nov. 2017.
(8) University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China, Nov. 2016.
(9) The University of Iowa seminar, USA, March, 2017.
(10) The University of Kansas seminar, USA, April, 2016.
(11) The University of Iowa seminar, USA, April, 2016.
(12) The University of Adelaide, Australia, July, 2012.
8. Conference/Workshop presentations
(1) International Conference on Applied Economics New Perspectives and Methods, Nov. 2022, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China.
(2) The 20th SAET Conference, June 2021.
(3) 2018 EWGET (European Workshop in General Equilibrium Theory), June 2018, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Pairs, France.
(4) The 9th Shanghai Microeconomics Workshop, June 2018, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China.
(5) The 18th SAET Conference, June 2018, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China.
(6) 2018 Nanjing International Conference on Game Theory & the Fifth Microeconomics Workshop, Oct. 2018, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China.
(7) 2018年度青年基金获得者检查交流会, Oct. 2018, Soochow University, Suzhou, China.
(8) The 17th SAET Conference, June 2017, Faro, Portugal.
(9) The 15th SAET Conference, July 2015, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
(10) The 14th SAET Conference, Aug. 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
(11) The European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, June 2014, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
(12) The 13th SAET Conference, July 2013, MINES ParisTech, Paris, France.
(13) Australasian PhD Workshop in Economics, May 2013, Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia.
(14) The 12th SAET Conference, July 2012, Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia.
(15) Shandong University Industry Organization Workshop, June 2012, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
(16) RCGEB Workshop: Markets and Games, Oct. 2011, Shandong University, Jinan, China.