孙宇澄 Yucheng Sun
时间: 2023-03-07 11:34:00 来源: 西班牙 庞培法布拉大学Universitat PompeuFabra
办公室地址: 首都经济贸易大学丰台校区安工楼215室
电话: 15236624056
电子邮箱: cueb_sun@163.com
教学经历: 公司金融(研究生), 计量经济学导论 (本科生),金融建模与数据分析(本科生)
1. Realized networks (2018), 合作者: Christian Brownlees, Eulalia Nualart. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 33,986-1006
2. Detecting price jumps in the presence of market microstructure noise (2019), Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 31, 769-793
3. On the estimation of integrated volatility in the presence of jumps and microstructure noise (2020), 合作者: Christian Brownlees, Eulalia Nualart, Econometric Reviews, 39, 991-1013
4. A factor-based estimation of integrated covariance matrix with noisy high-frequency data (2022),合作者: Wen Xu,Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 40, 770-784
5. Identifying latent factors based on high-frequency data (2023), 合作者: Wen Xu, Chuanhai Zhang, Journal of Econometrics, 233, 251-270
6. “好”的与”坏”的跳跃溢出:基于相互激励跳跃视角 (2023), 合作者:许文,张传海, 系统工程理论与实践,43(4), 1068-1087
7. Testing for jumps with robust spot volatility estimators, Statistica Neerlandica, accepted
Personal information
Language: Chinese (native), English (fluent)
Programming skill: MATLAB, STATA, LATEX
Research interests: Econometrics, High-frequency data
Email: cueb_sun@163.com
Educational background
Ph.D. in Finance, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2017
Bachelor in Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2010
Working experience
2017.9-2018.11, Capital University of Economics and Business, Assistant Professor
2018.12-present, Capital University of Economics and Business, Associate Professor
Teaching experience
Corporate Finance (for Master students), Econometrics (for undergraduates), Financial modelling and data analysis (for undergraduates)
1.Christian Brownlees, Eulalia Nualart, Yucheng Sun, 2018, Realized networks, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 33(7), 986-1006
2.Yucheng Sun, 2019, Detecting price jumps in the presence of market microstructure noise, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 31(3), 769-793
3.Christian Brownlees, Eulalia Nualart, Yucheng Sun, 2020, On the estimation of integrated volatility in the presence of jumps and microstructure noise, Econometric Reviews, 39(10), 991-1013
4.Yucheng Sun, Wen Xu, 2022, A factor-based estimation of integrated covariance matrix with noisy high-frequency data, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 40(2), 770-784
5.Yucheng Sun, Wen Xu, Chuanhai Zhang, 2023, Identifying latent factors based on high-frequency data, Journal of Econometrics, 233(1), 251-270
6.Chuanhai Zhang, Yucheng Sun, Wen Xu, 2023, Good and bad jump spillovers: A perspective of mutually exciting jumps[J]. Systems Engineering — Theory & Practice, 43(4): 1068–1087
7.Yucheng Sun, 2023, Testing for jumps with robust spot volatility estimators, Statistica Neerlandica, accepted
Research grant:
Jan. 2022-Dec. 2024, 主持 “对中国金融资产波动的稳健性估计及其应用", National Natural Science Foundation of China