- Chinese Online Unemployment-Related Searches and Macroeconomic Indicators2015-09-12
- An Improved Transformation-Based Kernel Estimator of Densities on the Unit Interval2015-09-12
- Penalized exponential series estimation of copula densities with an application to intergenerat...2015-09-12
- Binary response correlated random coefficient panel data models2015-09-12
- Estimating average treatment effect by model averaging2015-09-12
- Spending Preferences of Local Officials with Off-budget Land Revenues of Chinese Cities.2015-04-08
- Employment Centers and Agglomeration Economies: Foundations of a Spatial Economic Development Strat.2015-04-08
- Unemployment matters: Improved measures of labor market distress in mortgage default analysis2015-04-08
- Modified local Whittle estimator for long memory processes with low frequency contaminations2015-01-09
- Constrained Regression for Interval-Valued Data2014-07-11
- Is it one break or ongoing permanent shocks that explains U.S. real GDP?2015-01-08
- Theory and methods of panel data models with interactive effects2014-07-11
- Macroeconomic fundamentals and the exchange rate dynamics: A no-arbitrage macro-finance approach2014-07-11
- Gender, Family Status and Physician Labour Supply2014-07-11
- Substitution in the Electric Power Industry: An Interregional Comparison in the Eastern US2014-07-08
- Market structure in the Chinese steel industry2014-07-08
- Nonparametric estimation of fixed effects panel data models2014-04-29