- International Review of Economics & Finance——作者:黄宇凡2021-05-24
- Plos One——作者:侯杰2021-05-24
- Empirical Economics——作者:高静 许文2021-05-24
- The World Economy——作者:高逸尘2021-05-24
- Journal of Financial Econometrics——作者:许文2021-05-24
- Journal of Econometrics——作者:孙宇2021-05-24
- Optimal Smoothing in Nonparametric Conditional Quantile Derivative Function Estimation2018-12-26
- Strict stationarity, persistence and volatility forecasting in ARCH(∞) processes2018-12-26
- Estimation of dynamic discrete models from time aggregated data2018-12-26
- Fixed-effects dynamic spatial panel data models and impulse response analysis2018-12-26
- Estimation and inference of FAVAR models2018-12-26
- Maximum likelihood estimation and inference for approximate factor models of high dimension2018-12-26
- Estimation of panel data partly specified Tobit regression with fixed effects2018-12-26
- Inference in Continuous Time Cointegrated Systems with Moderately Explosive Regressors2018-12-26
- Sign-based portmanteau test for ARCH-type models with heavy-tailed innovations2018-12-26
- Mandatory Universal Drug Plan, Access to Health Care and Health: Evidence from Canada2015-09-14
- Delegation and vertical Externalities2015-09-12
- Consistent location conjectures under spatial price discrimination2015-09-12
- A note on the effciency of rational expectations2015-09-12
- Time variation in U.S. monetary policy and credit spreads2015-09-12